Monday, August 31, 2009

Yooooooooo...What's gooooodyyyyyy....

Big warm welcome and hugs to all my lovelies..SO glad you decided to grace my blog with your presence...This should be a fun and exciting mind moves a mile a second I'm giving you a mental tour through this here blog..

My blog will be pretty sporadic in nature meaning I talk about whatever is on my mind..but will be focused on relationships, fashion, advice (i give good/funny advice lol), money, events, and music.

Just want to put a little disclosure out there before I give you what you need..ya digg??

Yo...DO NOT...I repeat..DO NOT take any of what I say personally..unless, that is, if I personally mention ya name..I'm using this blog as a way of mentally and emotionally expressing myself through the art of my everyday vernacular and if you feel some type of way about it...this is what you do...

Step 1: Take control of you mouse or that little touch pad thingy on ya laptop..
Step 2: Move the cursor to that little red X in the top right hand corner of this screen...
Step 3: Click it..
Step 4: STFU and get over yourself! LOL!!

Nah but seriously though, everything I say is all my opinion, most of which is based off of well known fact or my own life experiences and I obviously don't expect everyone to agree with me..But hey..still got love for you! Feel free to email me with any comments you may have or you may comment here..

Smooches Lovelies! BRB!